hello!! my name is bridget, welcome to my silly little slice of this pie we call the internet! this is a place for me to express myself and do whatever i feel like doing. all are welcome, so please take a seat and get comfortable! i made sure to vacuum just before you got here.
around the site you'll find various nooks and crannies for me to host my creations, be silly, talk about things i enjoy, and whatnot. i've also never done web design or html before, so forgive me if anything doesn't work properly! it would be a complete jumbled mess if my older brother wasn't occasionally helping me figure out what im doing haha.
at this point i'm pretty happy with how the site looks, so it's no longer "under construction" but things will definitely change over time! it's an ongoing project for me. : )

AWESOME VIDEOS!! WHICH I ENJOY!!! i will update this sumptimes.

11/17/23 - 10:45 PM (EST)
10/23/23 - 11:26 PM (EST)
9/13/23 - 5:23 PM (EST)
added AWESOME VIDEOS!!! section on homepage
4/3/23 - 4:17 PM (EST)
added a countdown timer right here on the homepage for when i go on HRT :o)
3/31/23 - 1:23 AM (EST)
finally finished the music page!!! :^D
also added little icons to all the tabs on the sidebar! :o) i hope u like them i think they look nice and add more color!
3/19/23 - 9:00 PM (EST)
added the landing page! self portrait by me :o)
3/16/23 - 12:29 PM (EST)
250 SITE VIEWERS????? O_O hello world
3/15/23 - 4:35 PM (EST)
i have a guestbook!! go sign it!!!!!
3/15/23 - 5:01 AM (EST)
i forgot to keep updating this but i've been doing A BUNCH of stuff behind the scenes. ive reworked some formatting here on the homepage, on the blog, added little stuff, added my photos, and a bunch of other things!!! i'll try to keep this block updated on stuff that i do but im usually working too fast on too many smaller things that i forget to update about them, or even about bigger stuff gjdhbfg. also i need to go to bed WOOAWWW IT's so late omg omg
3/3/23 - 11:48 AM (EST)
okay ive changed the script im using for the cursor particles for now. my brother's was awesome but there was a bug we couldn't figure out how to fix where it would break if you scrolled down. the new script is from here!
3/2/23 - 5:47 AM (EST)
i changed the font IS IT BAD??? im worried it looks worse but i didn't like it how big it was before!! graaah
3/2/23 - 3:38 AM (EST)
blog officially open! only one post so far though :o) i stayed up way too late working on the page, i should have gone to bed long ago. goodnight
3/2/23 - 12:06 AM (EST)
added silly little windows with images in them to the homepage. im working on the blog at the moment!!
2/24/23 - 11:13 AM (EST)
changed some of the layout of the page. added the status history section :o)
2/20/23 - 5:09 PM (EST)
i think one of my favorite parts about everything ive done to make my site is making all the stupid buttons. it's so easy but feels rewarding and they're so silly and stupid. i love them.
2/20/23 - 1:56 PM (EST)
art gallery finished! : )
2/20/23 - 2:15 AM (EST)
added the webmaster status block!
2/18/23 - 4:32 PM (EST)
im aware that the cursor gets messed up near the bottom of the page, trying to figure out how to fix it!
2/18/23 - 1:31 AM (EST)
added the site updates block (the block you are reading right now!)
2/18/23 - 1:15 AM (EST)
added cursor particles, the code for which is 100% courtesy of my older brother! here's his site, though it's not finished!
2/17/23 - 8:27 PM (EST)
the goldfish are watching.
2/17/23 - 3:53 PM (EST)
added the about me section. : )